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“Regarding style, I don’t think (at least I don’t) that I’ll ever find one that I’ll stick with forever, but I try to keep things consistent (except for tilesets, which I really need to practice more). What I do is I have a subject that I often draw in different styles to see how it turns out, like the viking, if you see. For every new “style” I try, he’s always there xD. One thing I’m learning over time is to use fewer colors and keep it fairly simple. Have you tried redoing, I don’t know, let’s take your snail for example, and making it simpler? I usually do the opposite, I start with small sizes, 16x16, and then I see others, I try to make new ones and see how they turn out.

As for the masterpiece sprite, yes, it happens to me too, and honestly, I love and hate it. And many times I end up taking all the old ones and making them like the new sprite, like what happened with the Taktika 1 pack. I literally redid most of the icons because I thought they looked better with that new “style” (let’s call it that). But it depends on the situation, bro. With game jams, I’ve learned that you have to stick with a style you’re comfortable with so you don’t end up in an endless pit of stress trying to match everything you have to do (even though I think instinctively you always overdo it to make it a challenge). For larger projects like Dust, I’m honest but every week I try something new and think “NOW I’LL DO EVERYTHING LIKE THIS” and nothing, the next week I start over XD. I’ll show you some stuff I’m doing at the moment below;” this ones is from a project I’m taking rn with a friend of mine and you can see that !“m trying to making better each time a draw , but week ago i thinked that the first one was already better, i wanted to make everything similar to the first one but now I”m changing it again , i dunno maybe for now I’m not ready for big things to do


Viking? I think I saw him in two packs only...

Honestly! I've never tried redoing anything either by making bigger or smaller. When I end up drawing, I just can't "threw it away" but I think I should try. I've been searching for an exercise and I think it is a good one ;) Thanks

yep and try to use few color for drawing , maybe 3 for each color and see how it look ! always nice to talk with you Dust