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Very cool environment to explore. I love seeing these 1st person exploration games submitted to the jam! I did seem to get a bit lost as i played and I have 1 suggestion. It could be helpful if the cursor in the center of the screen changed when you hovered over something that was interactable, and maybe even another different icon for when you hover over something interactable but are not currently holding the correct item.  Not always easy to get these extra things in to a game for a jam but if you would like to try that but are not sure how send me a message on Discord. I'd be happy to share some code examples from things I have done in the past. But all together this is a very cool project and i'm looking forward to seeing what ya make in the future!

Hi Thedrdevin thank you for your comment. I made an update to the game with the feedback I had from people including you. The cursor is now more user friendly and the text is easyer to read.