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Hitting the edge of the screen is a main part of the game because red dots will be off the side edge slightly and they congregate at the top at first. And the drain feature at the bottom. To stop going out of the game with the cursor often, fullscreen would help, combined with a border for the top that makes it so the edge of the yellow does not activate the "X" pop down from the browswer in fullscreen.

Also red dots that scrape the sides cannot be picked up by the blue. Unless that's by design.


I just put up a new version before I read this. 
Does it solve any of the issues? 
if I understand you correctly I think putting a thicker border around the game would solve it. Am I getting you right?

Just around the top so people aren't getting the little "x" pop down that browsers have to exit fullscreen. Fullscreen would take care of the other three sides. You could border all sides but I'd still add fullscreen. I played the update, it does look like the uncapturable side dots are resolved.

I'd also add a way to end a round early and go to the upgrades. Like R or spacebar.

I partly take one thing back. It seems the blue dot can't pick up red dots on the side edges once it reaches a certain size. 5 or 6. Once it gets a noticeable black border on it. So I think the hit box always has to be at least as big as the barrier edge. Probably not a big deal though. Drain can take care of a few that get through inevitably.

If you hold your cursor against the monster he dies pretty fast. 
I will work on the edge thing. I can just click a button to go full screen but it is ugly do you want to try it? 

Oh I thought that would make me lose upgrade points. I'll try that.  I know some games go fullscreen without their proportions getting distorted so it would have large black areas on the sides or left and right. I don't know if that is hard to program. Maybe it's not worth it but that was the only thing I found frustrating is constantly going off the edges. But idk if it doesn't bother other players it may be just me. Or it could improve player experience. One of those. Improvement or just me.


The full screen thing will take a bit but isn't too hard it would make it playable one phones too so I should do it.