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Finally, the gamer girl bathwater is mine.
+ Very interactive combat that reeks of earthbound

+ Enemy attacks have much smoother animations than you'd expect
+ Fun overall tone
- Juggling the elements to attack is a bit awkward. I never found myself memorizing which button was what.
- Having to re-target enemies for each attack is arduous. Especially with the encounter rate being kinda high.
- That maze puzzle is the devil and those hitboxes are his grand design.


Yo, thanks for checking the game out!

There's definitely some big changes we're gonna be making for the attacking process, both UI and mechanically, to make it simpler and a bit more comfortable. And yeah, something overtook me the day I made that puzzle...

But I'm glad you also enjoyed aspects of it. We hope to improve this a lot with the update.

Thank you so much for playing and for your thoughts!