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Hey Raft Dev! I got some ideas that would be really cool if added in the 1.06 and/or 1.07 or whatever updates!

-Diseases (from drinking salt water or eating raw foods etc.)

-Islands (some are deserted, some have villages with tribes! you can loot them for materials or live there!)

-Sunken Boats (to loot of course)

-The Raft is always drifting so you can come across these islands and boats (or swim, whatever suits u)

-You can loot boat engines from sunken boats to make your Raft move faster

-You can paddle your raft if you craft a paddle but only if your raft is a certain size (small)

-No need for multiplayer, we already have a mod for that so dont worry :)

-Nails can now be found drifting in water and in barrels (you can still craft them though!)

-You can sometimes find craftable items (hammers, spears, axes etc.) in villages (common), sunk boats (common) or barrels (rare).

-You can throw the spear using Right Click (you can retrieve it)

-New Weapon: Knife (more powerful than spear)

-You can now use the axe as a weapon (it is the same power as spear)

-You can be rescued (ending of game, not sure how you get rescued though)

Please reply and tell me what you think! I think this would make the game more AWESOME than it is now!