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Day 14 & 15 Progress

This update will contain the last two days which only had a few new things. Yesterday was spent almost exclusively on implementing the 'anxiety' UI that pulsates a sprite between two colors using Lerp, along with fading in and out when nearing a Lumpy (based on a trigger). I'm not great with the Lerp usage so a lot of the time coding was fixing issues with that, but in the end the code turned out relatively clean and it seems to work quite well:

Most people will thing it's a damage UI element but the player can't ever die in this game so it's really more to express the character's anxiety as they get closer to Lumpy's.

I also had the idea to transform the main house into an Otherworld area as well so today was a lot of art spent on doing that, the following isn't finished but is pretty close to what it will look like in the end:

Along with the rest of the Otherworld the new Otherworld map looks like this in the editor:

Additionally I changed the main house a little by removing the left side walls that were giving it a weird perspective in my opinion so now it's a bit more of a standard full top view. I also added a bunch of shadows into the drawing to give it a little bit more of a horror feel and to just in general make it a little less 'static':

Last night I had an idea for a new monster that I would really like to add in, however with the new Otherworld Home I have a new area to add level boundary colliders and I still haven't done the 'lower level' colliders in the Otherworld. Not to mention all the interaction and story flavor text that has yet to be done, and the sounds! So much left and so little time! Onward!