Thank you for your extensive feedback. You’ve given me a lot of things to think about :).
- This is my first game with Monogame, which is a framework not an engine, so I’ve had to build a lot of things over time to use. I agree however that even though I didn’t have anything immediately available, it needs a lot more to sell the effect of dealing damage.
- The lights you see at the start of the battle will get darker when you’re hit, although I wish I had contained the arena so that one of the lights is always on screen.
- Skipping the cutscene was a small thing I didn’t think to add, maybe eith some more playtesting someone would be seen it and I wouldve been able to add it.
- I wanted to force fullscreen, but this caused issues with the game - the lazer wouldn’t follow the mouse, and the game would sometimes sit partially offscreen. Under time constraints and without knowing how Monogame/KNI Web export worked properly (as I’ve never used it), I decided not to worry about it; that sort of thing can come later.