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I enjoyed this game. Both you and the enemy attacks move slowly, which lead me to think about my positioning. The  deflect mechanic was fun, I first I assumed it was also a melee attack but learned very quickly that this is not the case after trying to hit an enemy. While playing, I did not fully understand the mechanic introduced on level 8. I knew that some bullet types might destroy some shields, but wasn't sure which. And I didn't feel the need to figure out which, because I could just throw whatever was in front of me and hope for the best. I also finished the game without being sure which shade of blue represents water or air, which could have added to my confusion regarding which projectiles destroy which shields. Making them totally different colors (maybe changing air to green and earth to brown) could have helped. Good job!


Can understand the confusion with shield mechanic. I was close to simplifying it to just matching colors, but felt that this wasn’t alchem-y enough, so I settled on opposing elements destroy each other.

Choosing colors was a pain in the butt, because for example brown for earth could be confused with orange for fire. I realized way too late that I can just make projectiles themselves a different shape depending on element, instead of using teeny-tiny symbols that are not even visible.