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Thanks for the fun game!  My knowledge of Genshin is very limited, so on its own merits?  This is a fascinatingly unnerving shorter length Bad Science (Magitek flavor) VN.

My first ending was 3 by trying to be a decent spy (oops).  Others I got in order were 9, 6, 10, 8, 4, 5, 7, 1, and 2.  I think my favorite endings are is 5, 7, and oddly 4 which I'll touch on in a moment.

A few paths were very very obviously "choose the wrong thing for a Fun Bad Ending", but 8 was painful when it was originally on a decent sneaky path.  RIP the MC, especially with the reveal in 2 which makes 4 so fitting as something for the MC to go with.

I have no idea who Dottore is but I'm assuming Young and Other are both clones of himself.  Whether they're temporal or genetic copies I'm not sure but Dottore is... too interested in the MC even if he has some plan with the projects beyond curiosity and Frankensteining things.  I can only wonder if he sees some of himself in the MC given the MC's origins as an "imperfect" but endlessly curious magic-school student.  Also I'm assuming Delusions are artificially OP magitek implants that rapidly age the user since it would give a darker aspect to the MC only being able track how long they've been there via their hairgrowth when "willingly" ""choosing"" to do such experiments.

The character art is well made and the CGs are nice.  I like the way you've drawn the minions as well as all the backdrops (that one room for 6 was... yikes).  The minions (aside from the guard) are surprisingly friendly for Evil Side characters but if they're all indoctrinated (as implied by the discussion with the Fancy Noble Villain about Dottore's different methods of achieving obedience) and know they're solely among allies then it'd make sense.

I see there's a sequel budding off of 9 so I'm going to try that now.