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I have to ask,the people who already has this game (installed on their device for short) do they have to pay or smt in case it gets changed?


Those who have purchased the game on previously with the "name your own price method" for a minimum of 5 dollars wouldn't have to pay again if there are ever any changes to the base game. 

If there's ever any changes (for example, Aspen gets partial voice acting) and they happen to have the previous version, they can always contact me on prikarin(dot)owl(dot)gmail(dot)com and send me proof of their purchase.

If, however, you haven't purchased the game previously with the "name your own price" method (for a minimum of 5), then you'd have to pay for the game to download it again.

Hope that clears things up!


I see,thankfully for me,I still have it :3 and btw I hope things will work out for u cuz I love these games<3


Thank you! πŸ₯°