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That was a ton of fun!

Immediately the awesome art hits you and it is very impressive. The character portraits and the enemies look awesome!

I was drawn in by the story really well and it dropped enough hints/lore about the world and situation without you needing to go full Star Wars opening story drawl to explain the world.

I'll admit though I feel like you just kinda get thrown into things without much explanation, there's a lot to quickly understand in the crafting/scavenging of the game but thankfully the difficulty isn't too hard so you can kinda wing it and hope for the best.

I ran into a strange bug on level 2 where it just hung after I defeated all the enemies, only happened once and after I restarted it didn't happen again.

By level 3 I had figured out I could just spam changing my attacks as there's no cooldown between selections so I was throwing lightning bolts, torches and pickaxes like a madman!  There's a really great foundation with this game and I like it a lot. A slower start and a more gradual ease into the mechanics would help a ton if you ever release future versions. Had a lot of fun!


Thanks for giving our game a try and writing such thorough feedback! I'm glad you had fun. Sorry you encountered the weird bug, we'll stomp it out next time :P