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Glad you like it and have a fun experience! we are studying how to improve the Ingredient system, thanks for the feedback <3 


I think the time limits (25s total, and ingredients are falling from the sky, giving you not just a set order of them, but also only a few seconds to choose if each one is in or out) significantly reduces the tactical potential of this game. I can imagine instead you're given a tray of, say, 12 ingredients, and you can take your time arranging them into 4 potions however you see fit. To increase tactical potential, you could also show a tooltip while hovering over an ingredient, telling exactly what it'll do when put in a potion.

I've noticed that some effects are like "15% magical resistance", versus like "GAIN 10% attack", which would imply that some potions are setting values, versus adding to them. This could be a huge tactical opportunity- arrange ingredients so that you get one really high-value XYZ stat, and then the other potions want to use GAIN stats instead of SET stats, or you'll effectively nullify all previous potions!!

As in, so like, get this. You have potion A, which says "20% magical resistance, heal 10%, gain 5% attack speed", and potion B, which says "gain 5% magical resistance, gain 10% defense, take 20 damage"

If you use potion A then potion B, then (assuming boss still has 600 total health) you end up with 26% more magical resistance (105% of 120% is 126%, not just 125%). If you use potion B then potion A, then you get 20% more magical resistance instead, losing out on the 5% bonus because it was overwritten by 20%

With six different stats, both seeing gains and sets, it becomes a real optimization problem the player has to wrestle with in order to maximize the usefulness of their potion ingredients before each wave of heroes.

All in all, I enjoyed it, but it was indeed lacking in tactical choices because things simply move too fast to allow for super slow, careful, conscious thought.

Woah! Really REALLY thanks for the feedback!!! we love it! about the ingredients we are thinking how to change it, for the game jam its a no chance, but in the future this will be reviewed!