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This was a pretty big undertaking and im not entirely sure about how i feel about it if im being honest- i think part of it is that this genre isnt something i have the most experience with and therefore dont understand what goes into it/makes it click, but i will say regardless it made for a really interesting listening experience. I really liked Hildegard Vision though, which was easily the standout track for me. 

on the distortion, i know you mention to turn the volume down so the purposeful aspects of distortion werent too loud but to get it to a good volume for me it made it a lot harder to hear everything else, so while I think it was a neat touch i think turning it down a bit could help make it more accesible.

Keep up the good work, I'm sorry i didnt resonate with it much but I see that other people here do seem to really like it so I'm glad this work is getting more positive feedback from people who understand what you were going for better. Hope to see more of what you make in the future :D


I appreciate your honesty :]

Your opinion is valid, we have our taste buds, we enjoy what we like, and we don't want people to shove their taste into ours. Let them explore and find what they like.

You don't understand this genre is also valid because I don't understand what I'm making :] If it sounds good and I like it, screw it.

On distortion stuff, I just want to protect your ears on certain tracks (Hildegard Vision, UM2S Diagnostic), this is one area that I have to be careful with (EQ out high frequency but still keep the original design intention, boomy but not constant ringing, importantly keep the vibe going)

Volume, ahhh hmm, well just listen to the level you comfortable, want to vibe with (Let the house boom if ya need to)

PS - 

To quote from Texas "It's Celeste but more pixel who continue to contribute the community with unconditional love, me likey"

idk it's a positive or negative thing, but the small lupo insists on it

PS2 -

I am interested in your taste buds, could you introduce some of your favorites? (Me and Texas might love it, I would introduce ours too as a fair exchange) (Someone introduced us to ZEUHL rock genre, which is kinda of a surprise for us)


Makes sense ! Glad you guys weren't offended as that was not my intent. Some of my favourite music comes from artists like:

  • Lena Raine
  • C418
  • Insaneintherain music
  • and DM Dokuro!!

I try and explore outside of my personal tastes as much as i can though, so overall thank you for giving me a chance to try something new :)

(3 edits) (+1)

Nah, ya cool, don't be too hard on yourself, please do be considerate for others (they may not share the same view unfortunately, just be careful :/)

Our taste (me and texas) is a combination of doujin music groups, game soundtracks, and other artists too

Doujin Music Groups:

  • Otographic Music
  • Compllege / Electro.muster / Alstroemeria Records / Shibayan Records
  • Diverse System


  • Touhou / Irisu Syndrome (join the culture, mwahaha)
  • 7th Dragon III Code VFD (the best one we enjoy)
  • Yugioh NDS and Tag Force PSP / 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
  • Trauma Center NDS / Trauma Team Wii
  • Final Fantasy 13 / Dissidia PSP
  • Dead Rising 2 / Persona 3 / Yakuza
  • COD Black Ops / Payday
  • DJ Hero


  • BT
  • Linkin Park
  • Death Grips / Clown Core (We do like weird stuff)

Thank you for business transaction, we do hope you enjoy our weird tastes (and found some that inspire and encourage you to do music)

PS - We don't mind ya share this post to others :]

PS2 - Gotta check your heroes one day :]]