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(1 edit)

Congrats! That tower is optional content. There is a way to get there :)

any hints? :-)

cause I seriously have no clue I've been everywhere, at least I think so.

Please dont tell me it was either the markus guy (i didnt do his 10k quest and jsut killed him, so chest there locked forever) or
the peace guy. I messed him up the first time i was there, like who the f thinks that suddenly THOSE goblins dont want to kill you?

so i went to get first hit as usual and the guy directlyy attacked me when i got there.
only realized later what he might have even meant with me breaking the peace or so...

also, if one gets everything will all weapon, armor, shield and ring places by filled?

cause i think I bought pretty much everything yet still have plenty of room in each row in the inventory

nvermind, jsut went back and the gate in front of the tower is jsut gone, no ida when that happened.
and yeah, the sumo guy is back. and instantly dead again.

optional content I come!


Ha ha great! Enjoy.

well, I guess I suck, couldnt make it past room 11 or so.

jsut get overwelmed when a bunch of different enemies run at me and/or throw shurikens on top of that

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11 is pretty good! Nice going! If you can get some friends to play, maybe you can compete for the highest score :)