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Linux Mint 21.3, Tenebra 1.02. Graphics and sound effects are excellent except for the foot steps when the player is moving. I would like an option to disable that sound. (Exactly the opposite of the C64 versions for me.) Neither the Trooper 2 joystick or iNext D pad controllers will work with the game but the keyboard works great. I miss the level codes and being able to disable the flashing and seeing the level at the end of each. Thank you for all the work on this game, and it is fun to play.

Hello! Thank you very much for your very generous support so far! I really appreciate it.

The joystick input should be handled by the Orx engine directly. I'll ask in their support forum regarding your OS and joystick configuration.

As for the footsteps, if you find them annoying you can rename/delete the sound files "walk1.wav" to "walk5.wav" from the "Tenebra\Res\Sounds" directory.

No problem with the joysticks because the keyboard works perfectly. I will take a look at the *.wav files for sure.

Thank you,



I have just joined this site tonight.  I have been looking for a person who has gone by the name Haplo and created a gamesite almost 20 years ago named PlayItOnTheWeb.  Are you familiar with that?  It is an excellent site, but is running out of time as its registration and hosting is about to end.  I would love to see it continue.  If you are not the creator, would you know how it can be retained, repaired and back in use? 

Thank you so much  for any information.  The site is PlayItOnTheWeb dot com.  Some of the games are very unique.  Can they be moved from there to here, such as Inwords, Dumbstruck and other games I can get you the name of.  

Again, thank you. 
