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Oh this is really tasty - imagery, thematic interpretation and the titles do a great job of setting the stage, and then the music comes in and really delivers. Instrumentation and progression of Morning Light through the Bedroom Window perfectly captures that 'beginning' vibe, if that makes sense? The little bits of spoken word in the middle are an interesting and rather unexpected direction but overall they fit and it adds a little spice and variety.

Under the Umbrella is packed with whimsy. Great orchestration and arranging here - a lot going on but it never feels too busy. The melodies throughout are nice, never really overstaying their welcome - fleeting. Bookending the track with piano is a really clever move as well, great way of tying it together cohesively.

And with that, On the Pier Under the Stars has me sold - it's my favorite of the bunch. Great playing, fantastic choice of a closer for the experience. Evocative and tender but still driven. Use of accompaniment to support the piano throughout is really well done - genuinely feel as though I could learn a thing or two from revisiting these.

All in all a super tightly executed collection of tracks, probably up there as one of the more cohesive and congruent entries. Great work with these, honestly. Could see these landing among the top spots for sure!

Wow, thank you so much for these thoughtful comments!