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I really liked this game up until the very end. The art, voice acing, scripting, are all amazing. The story is good as far as a kid's story goes but that ending ruined it for me.

When you're engaged in a story the last thing you want is to be remembered of a different one. References are fine but when the crucial climax of your story is straight up taken from The Lord of the Rings it feels cheap, like the writers got lazy and didn't want to think through how to salvage the situation and resorted to copying from the great writers, It would not have been as bad if it were more subtle but as it stands currently, it ruined the immersion for me.

Still a great game, and I doubt many kids will notice it but that's my one complaint.

(1 edit) (+1)

It seems like a lot of people got upset with my "references" this time. I'll try to limit myself next time. And yeah, the LoTR trick was my laziness, but we were running out of time, and I had to come up with something, so I decided to go LoTR route. Thanks a lot for the feedback!