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Day 13: Thursday Jan 19th 2017

Alrighty! looks like I've finally finished the gameplay aspect of my game! all 4 levels are complete now, and all that's left is prettying it all up. :D

Things I've done today:

-Completed level 4 (gameplay wise)

- Playtested a few times to make sure the last 2 levels were hooked up correctly. found a few bugs that I had missed/ things I forgot to event in, and fixed them.

-Finished the last 3 images in the intro and evented it so that it would play at the beginning of the game.

What's left to be done:

-The ending images/cutscene.

-Parallax mapping and fixing the random transparency issue in the maps using the Orange Overlay (or if I run into problems, the Kaus Ultimate Overlay) plugin.

Hopefully, I'll make it with a complete game by the deadline after all! I'm not out of danger just yet, but I shall try my darnedest!