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Loved it. The art was so pretty and the Voice Acting was just so good. Simply put, this game is Amazing!!!

That’s so great to hear! Really glad you enjoyed it :3 It’s always super hard to tell when making micro-games like this if they’re engaging enough when they’re so short, so it’s fantastic to get such positive feedback :D 

Thanks so much for taking the time to check it out & leave such a lovely comment <3


Truth be told I love these types of dark-themed games it's so hard to find them sometimes. Thank you so much for giving me such an experience! I wish I could support you in some way😭

I streamed the game on Twitch and hoped to upload the clip on YouTube. I'm sure you'll find lots of people out there who'd love your work just like I did!!!

Same x3 And I know what you mean! I check the ‘yandere’ tag on itch sometimes, but the thing is, I love horror in general, and the horror & psychological horror tags are kinda flooded >.< so that makes it difficult to find the sort of stuff I like!

Pretty much all of my projects are dark-themed, one way or another, even the ones with comedy elements in xD 

Atmospheric psychological horror is probably my favourite horror subgenre :3

The biggest problem I have with tagging stuff as yandere though, both as a dev & a player, is that I’d prefer it to be a surprise x3 But then if people don’t tag yandere stuff with the tag, it would be even harder to find T_T

Anyways, you have already supported me by playing the game and taking the time to leave a nice comment! Honestly, it really gives me a boost to hear kind and positive words about my projects because I still have so much self-doubt about everything that I do x3

Any time I see comments like yours it immediately reminds me to stop listening to that evil voice in the back of my head that says I’m not good enough! And that is just priceless ^-^

Ooo, nice! I hope the stream went well :3 Feel free to link that or the YouTube clip here if you want to btw!

And thank you :3 It always feels like an impossible task to actually get my games in front of people, haha. I don’t do very well with social media cos I find it really overwhelming and draining even just making short posts >.< so I am kinda awful at promoting my projects and pretty much reliant on players spreading the word x3