정말 죄송하지만 북쪽 다리 캠프에서 다음 캠프로 이동하는 방법을 모르겠습니다.
괜찮으시다면 알려주실 수 있나요?
Viewing post in [RPG] GROVE: "Dark Places" (v0.308) comments
Return to the Inn.
Walk directly downwards until you bump into the trees.
Then walk to the left until you reach the cliffside.
There is a new pathway to the south. Follow it to continue the game.
여관으로 돌아갑니다.
나무에 부딪힐 때까지 직접 아래쪽으로 걸어가세요.
그런 다음 절벽에 도달할 때까지 왼쪽으로 걸어가세요.
남쪽으로 가는 새로운 길이 생겼습니다. 게임을 계속하려면 이를 따르세요.
The game is still being developed. More updates will arrive in the future.
To install the Japanese Language, first you must download it. Then extract the files.
Inside the download you will find 'data' and 'js' folders. Copy and Paste these folders into the English version, and say Yes to "replace these files".
(the 'data' and 'js' folders are inside the 'www' folder in the English version)
There is NO new content in the Japanese version. But maybe you will find the game more enjoyable in a language you understand better.