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(5 edits) (+2)(-1)

Hi, after trying out this game, 5 hours of my life disappeared before my very eyes - and i mean that positively - but i've just got to do a little rating here.

I'd rate this a 4/5 stars, it's amazing and it feels like it accomplishes something that Trials in Tainted space was missing for me personally, 'sides the lack of transformation content of course. But that's not why i knocked it down to 4/5 stars, i rated as such because if it was 5 stars, what would there be to improve? There's content missing, bugs to fix, polish to complete and maybe more customization to add, But what's here is extremely promising. I'm very exited for what the full release of this will be.

Oh, and do you have any plans past the finished release of BDCC? I know it's probably a little too early to concern yourself with another whole game, but...

Once complete this game could be the foundation for larger projects in the future if you're willing and able. I'd love a game where we explore the universe outside of the prison, with our own ships to fly, the ability to use ranged weapons and shields, exploration, and... you get the idea I'm sure.

Uhhh, i dunno how to end this, so I'll end it on a little bug report. My character is stuck doing the humiliation drawing action in every sex scene that they're leading, and there isn't an option to stop drawing either. Selecting the option to begin drawing just brings me back to being unable to stop it again as well. Is there a temporary fix in the debug menu? or will i have to try a new save and avoid the action until a patch is released? thank you.

The life of a critic is simple in many ways, we risk little and have power over those who offer their work and service to our judgment. 

We thrive on negative reviews, which are fun to write and read, but the sad truth we must face is that in the grand order of things, any garbage has more meaning than our criticism lets on. 

But sometimes the critic does take a risk every time he discovers and defends something new, the world is usually cruel to new talent; new creations, the new, need friends. 

Last night I experienced something new; an extraordinary dinner from a unique and unexpected source. To say only that the food and its creator have challenged my prejudices about good cooking would understate reality; They have touched me deeply. 

In the past I have never hidden my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto: Anyone can cook. But I finally realize what he really meant; Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. 

It is difficult to imagine a more humble origin than that of the genius who now cooks at Gusteau's restaurant and who, in this critic's opinion, is nothing less than the best chef in France. I'll be back to Gusteau's hungry soon!