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A member registered Nov 29, 2023

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hey you what the fuc- (its the best idea I hear)

we need something... if you choose "Punch" is will be a good idea more options, Think it,

"punch in the face" a littler % (only 10%) of do it damage in the eyes (give blindness for 2 turns) and broke the nose (give bleeding)

or "Kick"

"Kick in the balls/pussy" a big % of miss but a good damage (75% more that the normal damage)

or "Bite"

"Bite the neck" give bleding in a 100%

And stats (depend of the backhistory)

"innocent" less damage but more agility and % of dodge

"thief" better items of looting and the most agility and dodge % but REALLY weak

"murder" damage in 100% but more slow and less % of dodge

"prostitute" sexiness in 100% and the tease un 20% more effective

think it bro 馃槍馃

hey everybody, this man in Cock-ing this game?

men... I Played this F*ckign game for... IDK 9 months? when I seeing in the setting I Found the Shit of Traduction (my lenguaje is Spanish, beacuse I use bad words when I write) I play like the 4to time with the traduction... Fuck I have depresse for the Rahi History... Fuck, Damn You Cooking with this Game

(little Spoiler, She have problems with Alcohol)

this game is a Rpg  but whithout habilities of species, we need buff whith the species.

Example: human: 25% xp boost but -20% less dmg whith the bite

Dragon: +100% Dmg general but +75% lust Dmg recibe

hey, How I can Install and Dowload mods?

XDDD HOLY, give the confing is too XD good

(1 edit)
this game is more god every day
Pd: you can put the Hud in spanish? this can be the game more god