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And literal headaches too cos I was tanking ibuprofen for most of last week xD (with food, ofc, I’m not a total idiot x3)

Thank you, though :3 That really does mean a lot. I felt fairly proud of the lil project as things were coming to a close and I was testing, but when my PC died & it came to actually releasing it, I was suddenly filled with an all-encompassing dread that perhaps it was awful, or chock full of bugs since I didn’t get to test as much as I would have liked! >.<

That’s such a relief to hear about the VA and the effects I put on the voice too because that’s always in the back of my mind whenever I try to make FX for characters! The last thing I want to do is lose the actual performance the VA put in >.< so I’m super conscious of trying to ensure the FX aren’t overbearing. I couldn’t really tell with this one whether they were or not.

I know when I was testing different FX combos, I ruled a few out because they did seem like too much, haha. With there being around 5 different FX on Styxs’ regular voice in the final version though, I still worried it was too much x3 I did purposefully set them to come through at about 50% strength rather than full though to try and offset their power.

Thank you again! You are beyond amazing <3 I tried to rest over the weekend cos I had a migraine for most of it, and then when I felt better, I thought I’d go on a nice walk with my pops, but managed to fall over into some stinging nettles xD I think the world has it in for me at the moment, haha. Hope you got to have a decent weekend!!