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I like the concept of the game, and the art assets are great, but it has a few issues right now.

- The game sometimes has lag spikes, and I have a fairly high end PC.

- Sometimes, presumably due to lag or an interaction with the rapid fire powerup, the gun enters a "burst fire" mode where chunks of its firing pattern are missing. This is a massive DPS drop that can doom an attempt as early as a few seconds in. 

- Tohru lasts FOREVER after her lifebar is depleted. She was being fed for a solid 45s while her healthbar was empty and she still gameovered me by reaching the village.

- The second gun feels very underwhelming. It doesn't have anything near the damage per shot to be worth the downside of the lower RoF. 

- Some of Tohru's attacks are entirely undodgable. Her bodyslam at her biggest legitimately covered my entire screen and forced me to take half my health in damage. That and the white aura chip damage being completely unavoidable really doesn't feel like great shmup design. 

- The infinite dragon summons at last stage are very annoying. It's not very feasible to keep one alive to prevent the next wave because they heal Tohru a lot. And while the rapidfire powerups they can drop are great for actually finishing the phase, they don't necessarily drop those consistently, and with bad RNG she can heal a significant amount between the summons and the basically undodgable slowing web?/milk?/icing?/cloth? spam.