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Day 12: Wednesday Jan 18 2017

Well, It looks like today was wasted a bit because the gameplay I had in mind for the final level (4) isn't going to work, so I'm going for something else. It's a bit harder than the other levels since in this one (so far) there will be 3 dogs chasing you, as well as the Boss to deal with. I'm keeping the other gameplay that I'm trying to implement a secret for now. I've finished half of the eventing for the final level so far, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish it completely and start with the finishing touches of my game.

Those are:

-finishing the intro of the game (both drawing the images and eventing it)

-starting and finishing the ending

-using the Orange Overlay plugin to make the hiding spots able to actually cover the character while hiding behind things like boxes and tables and the like.

-Make and add the credits to the end of the game.

It seems like a short/easy list, but the amount of things that I need to get done is actually a lot more than it looks. Here's hoping I can finish it all. I already cut the part where you were supposed to rush all the way back up the building to the window that Putty came in from in the beginning after you save Goob.

Haha but I don't regret going it alone for this game jam. The whole reason I did was to test myself on how much I could possibly complete by myself. xD