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and maybe Logan would want to become a werewolf and rejoin his wife if you don't do enough/have a high enough romance with him! but if he declines his wife could attack depending on your gender would be if you could seduce her! and maybe even if your romance is barely at the minimum for Logan to stay as a human love you he could join in or something? and if your a female he could be super into you! also outdoor fun at night with Logan as a female is going to be.... confusing... as will he top you? will you use your hand on him? maybe he could find out she has a new lover and he was going to be used as a servant if you befriend/romance/seduce a werewolf! who maybe after they find out about his betrayal could abandon him and you could take him in? maybe even get Logan to help out! also what if you convince Logan to help out with the lizardmen if you can convince him via promise of a good time since you provide it every other time? or maybe if your a girl you can convince him to share you with other people/species like the lizardmen and saytrs and he could try out bottoming and learn he likes it alot?