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The game is really good and I look forward to every update. The only major problem is the small updates, because I want to enjoy an update for a whole evening, not about 30 minutes =(

I also think the game lacks some sort of (manually enabled) hints and explanations of what your current choices affect, because some choices and their consequences are not obvious at all and you can probably miss a lot of content in the future because of that if you don't mess with the game code.


Hi there! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy CH.

I'm also going to assume that your comment was made from a position of ignorant consumerism and not actual criticism:

I would love to give you longer updates, but my days only have 24 hours, too. Seeing as the updates release on a roughly monthly basis, 30 minutes is the best I can (currently) do without compromising the quality. It may not seem like it, but making this stuff takes time if you want it to be any good. (And between you and me, I'm already putting out a lot more content than the majority of my colleagues, so there's that, too.)

I get where you're coming from with the hint system, but that's kinda like asking for a built-in aimbot in Counter Strike - yeah, it'd ensure that you get the best outcome from any session/playthrough, but it'd also take away any sense of achievement tied to the game. Granted, the comparison is a bit lackluster, seeing as Counter Strike is competitive and CH isn't (as well as a few other factors) but I think you get what I'm saying.

On top of being unnecessary, would adding a hint system like that take a considerable amount of time, which - in turn - would detract from the time I could spend on making actual content for the game, further enhancing the "issue" of the first point of your comment: The more time I spend on adding peripheral features like that, the shorter (or further apart) the actual updates will be.

While I, as a player of other AVN myself, absolutely feel your plight of wanting more content and not wanting to miss anything due to making "wrong" decisions in games, I, as the dev of CH, am also just a single person and can only do so much without risking burnout - in which case there wouldn't be anymore content at all.

Hopefully you'll understand where I'm coming from and that I'm doing my best. Either way, though, I hope you'll keep enjoying CH.