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(1 edit)

So, I wanted to do something in time for my birthday, but I didn't have much time, so I decided I would draw another character. But nearly every character with a tangible personality has been drawn already, and the only one I've drawn that doesn't have a personality is the Puppet. I decided I would draw him because he was ugly. Oh, and also Granny, who's a little bit more interesting even though she barely has much to say for herself.

So I considered my options. We had...Smile Wolf...Doggos...the Priest...Baldi...literally anyone from BBIEAL...those two guardians...the Gingerbread-Men...the Followers...the Watcher...and then Phonty. Meh, I just decided to do Phonty, because at least he's the partner of the most round character in the game: Erie. Even though she's also flat. Literally.

So I was going to do some stuff, but I didn't do it in time for my birthday because I was too late, so I decided whatever, I guess I'll just do it for Halloween which was like just two days later. But what do you know, I barely gave myself an opportunity to do anything, especially in the heat with my computer amplifying itself with it! And then when I had the opportunity, the totally poor cats were harassing me so I gave in and wasted a bunch of time. A bit over half an hour. You know, I don't think I would've finished in time anyway. Now it's 1:30 AM (don't judge me, I have no personal schedules at all) and Halloween's already gone and it's November. But whatever, here you go.

Drew Phonty in...maybe a bit less than an hour, who was an absolute pain to measure because of his tendency to have to sit on stools if he's not standing up with his legs out. And he's a lot further below head height in AEWVSCC than AEWVS and I don't even know if his size is different, so that was unreliable. For now, I just did the current version of Phonty. I can see now why you decided to redesign it after seeing an identical phonograph in another game. Must be a stock model. But why give him just six round legs this time? I liked him better when he had those eight big threatening sharp legs.

Everything looks awry now. Angell's head height compared with the ceiling is higher in AEWVS than with the tiles and sprites. Something is definitely wrong.