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If it helps: I have plans for a more story-focused game where some of the TM girls will play a role as well.

Well i hope you write as good as TM for the Next Story.

Well, the setting and world a game plays in is of course always a matter of taste, so there's no 100% guarantee you'll like it as much as TM.

But for me, one reason why I want to make that new story game is that TM's fairly "slice of life" setting doesn't leave me nearly enough creative wiggle-room.
Originally, this was only meant to be a simple practice project to get better at game development before going for a more ambitious project.
I just kinda stuck with it for way longer (about 18 months longer...) than originally planned ^^'

Well I think You did a Very good Job with TM!!!

Yes,me too and I really want to see your new project