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Wowzers! This is an amalgamation of so many genres that I'm a huge fan of! City builders have long been one of my favourite types of game, going back from Sim City to Metropolismania and Constructor, and this seems to slam all of those ideas together.

Then you throw in the top-down shooter element, and I pretty much grew up with games similar to that type. And there's also the extra little extras, like the fact you have a magic-wielding witch on your side too!

In fact, there's so much to do and keep an eye on that I found myself losing track of things quite often, and I know I ended up not utilising one or two of the elements as much as I should have, and by the time a gang of roving outlaws arrived to shoot up my town I'd barely had the chance to put anything together!

That being said though, I still had a barrel-load of fun playing around with the building and the shooting bad guys and even a bit of the magic (when I remembered about it being there), and will be playing a lot more of this as the development continues. I'll be here cheering you all on from the sidelines so keep up the great work! =)

Anyone out there looking for something a little bit new but a little bit familiar feeling at the same time better grab themselves a hold of this beta as well!


Thank for your feeback :)