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Hello there,  could anyone help me figure out how to save on a pokemon game? I'm playing on xbox one on the embedded version and I have zero clue how to save or even get to a save menu. From what I'm seeing, you're supposed to press start and select, but once I do that, I exit from the full screen and the only way to get back to full screen is to use the browser controls, but once i use the browser controls i completely lose function to the game controls and can't continue where i left off. So, I've had to restart the game like 5 times, losing all my progress. 

So, how do you save on xbox one or even get to a save menu, without having to activate the browser controls and losing all progress. 

Help is greatly appreciated. 

sorry this is late but hopefully it will help others

press left and right buttons (not triggers) at the same time to bring up save menu. This menu will allow you to save, load, reset and exit game