This was pretty fun! I spent a bit too long playing it, haha...
The polish was nice, too! Well done.
A few notes, in case they're helpful:
- There is a glitch where jiggling the mouse in the shop screen starts a slow descent. (Which you can then leave running to get money without spending fuel.)
- Losing was confusing at first- before I understood the way you sell ore for cash, click the pay button to pay the loan, and then make sure it's at 0, I thought the game was randomly restarting when I clicked the drill icon. Perhaps adding a separate "give up" button would make the reason for restarting clearer, and eliminate the odds that someone who has the cash to settle their balance but forgot to pay it off accidentally loses their progress by attempting to start another drill session.
- The game is such that if you forget to immediately sell and settle up your loan, you just lose. Perhaps if you started on the "Sell" tab, it would be more of a left-to-right flow for players? Or combining the Sell and Pay Loan tabs?
- Selling "All" of my gold separately from the other ores was a nice feature, because I had to hunt for the gold, so learning how much I made off the gold was really enjoyable. However, I'm not sure you need a button like that for each of the cheaper ores, and selling 1, 10, or 100 of them seems similarly unnecessary.
All in all- a great game, good job! Okay, I have to stop playing it now...