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(1 edit)

question, when will the patch come out? i really love where your going with this so far and im exited to see where each route goes and the replay ability value, along with that im exited to see what you introduce for our characters future as far as ability and if its possible to become a *1 star* or a *2 star* person. 

-edit: Will the patch/ update apply to the web browser or will i have to download it?

(1 edit)

I plan to release the first patch around July! And I'm glad you enjoy having the ability to restart the game to play every different route. I won't spoil the character development plan. But know that these star eyes hold great significance to the plot. Also I will make the game downloadable, but if the audience wants it I can make it played in browser as well.

last question, will we get a sorta mini patch to fix the issue with the looping on the start of the 3rd day? or will we have to wait for July for the full update to roll out?

You will have to wait for July's full update, as the part after the loop is still under development. I'm working as fast as I can on it.

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dont rush too much, id rather have quality with no bugs than it be there but a buggy mess, keep up the good work. 

Id consider for the future adding a little note that pops up saying "this is the end of content for now" or something similar. (ima be real i may or may not have tried and looped like 20 times TwT)


Haha sorry about that. I posted this Unfinished work to test to see if mobile players can access it, but it gained a lot of attention quite quickly. That's why  the end had that bug. I'll be sure to have the quality you want in games for the REAL thing.

On a side note, I love how you JUST created this profile to follow and comment on this game. Thanks for that

lol thanks, ive been on and off this site for around 3 years now and i never got around to making a account, but i needed to know as this really hooked in my interests and appeals to me lol (i may or may not relate to it a bit)

Very nice, hopefully this game will continue to appeal to you over the course of it's production