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(1 edit)

Am I right, is this in the Moths' dream? If so, there will be spoilers below. 

You need to get a syringe in a world with cockroaches, then in the same world teleport through a pool of blood into a maze, find a colorful house, there you will get cigarettes. Go to the blue door, where there will be a white space with monsters. Through one of the monsters, teleport into space with mother (that creepy creature is Randall's mother) and interact with her. After receiving a knife from her, return to the world with cockroaches and interact with trash cans until you find yourself in an enclosed space with a lantern. Interact with phone, and then with the portal and (if I'm not mistaken) use the phone again and you will find yourself in a rainy forest, where you will find the last house (there you will receive a tape)

Damn, I'm sorry if it's messy. English is not my native language and I have some memory problems, so I can vaguely remember some details. I hope I didn't miss anything and didn't mix it up.

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thank you for help and it fine but i already did all that and still didnt get tape :"> but thanks for trying help! ill try it again, just dont know how PICK IT UP :'D liek i can see i but cant get it

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Oh! Press shift?"

(Or it's not a shift... Like, that one button that is responsible for skipping dialogues and interacting with objects) 

:"D i  have and mother just say "dont play with sharp things randal" AND I GET NO TAPE :"< it kinda making me upset as i want get game done! but thanks again

Do you have a knife with you? :^

NO? should i... do i get knife??? :"D hah that my be why...

I described it in the very first answer above!^^ 

As I said, it's a bit messy, so I'm sorry if it's hard to read т×т"

ONG!! thank you i understand now!!! ^^ i got why i was messing! :"D i mihght ask again if ig et stuck BUT THANSK DUDE!! or DUDEETT!

i just wanna say youve been a godsend with all the help in the comments jhgsshdfgsdf thank you ;A;

Oh, don't mention it! I've just been hyperfixated on this game for almost a year now (and I don't want to expose my friends to my endless chatter about it) and, as for comments, it helps me cope with anxiety and lack of communication. Well, I'm glad if it also helped someone with the advancement in the game and reduced your work on answering repetitive questions!^u^

 In addition, I may be remembered as an unnamed Internet hero who once helped them in a dead end in the game, so I can no longer be afraid of sudden death!!! XD

And also thank you for creating and releasing this game! Which I probably already said, but. It really helps to take mind off all the shit irl