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Hey Shredmer, not sure what is going on or how you are getting that error but...
I was also trying to get this working in HTML5, which I figured it was possible because of the live demo online.

I hit the issue that whenever I connect to the gm-live server it seems to break inside the extension code:

[live][16:11:20] Ready!
qstLiveHTML5.js?NGPYB=1502922978:54056 Error: array_get() : argument 0 must be a 1D array
function _pe("array_get() : argument 0 must be a 1D array")
function array_get([unknown], 2)
function gml_Script_gml_builder_build_line([instance], [instance], [unknown])
function gml_Script_gml_builder_build_outer([instance], [instance], [unknown], "obj_gmlive:Draw_0")
function gml_Script_gml_builder_build_loop([instance], [instance], [unknown], "obj_gmlive:Draw_0")
function gml_Script_gml_builder_create([instance], [instance], [unknown])
function gml_Script_gml_program_create([instance], [instance], [unknown])
function gml_Script_live_update_script_impl([instance], [instance], "obj_gmlive:Draw_0", "gml_Object_obj_gmlive_Draw_0", "/// @description An example
if (live_call()) return live_result;
draw_text(5, 5, "Try changing something here and saving!");
The game doesn't want to run or show anything when started while the server is running, but if you open the debug tools before starting the server when it all stops this is what I get.

Any ideas?