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Hi Krishna,
I just wanted to clarify something that I'm not sure about. I am a teacher and I have a handful of students getting into some Game Design projects. Would I be able to purchase this asset bundle from you and allow my students to use it for educational purposes? Or would that count as "redistributing" the assets? 
Thank you! 

Hi nclefsrud, thanks for asking.

You can use the assets for a team/group project, there is no problem with that. However, your team members with access to the assets cannot take the assets to make their own projects.

The license for the assets is granted to the purchaser. As such, any derived works created using these assets by any person with access to them, are only licensed to the original purchaser. In a team context, if individuals use the assets to create levels, edits, or other derived content, they are not granted any license to use the original assets or the derived works for their personal or commercial projects.

If you have further questions, please feel free to ask :)

Thank you for the reply! I will make sure that this is made clear to the students.