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If you only scrolled down a tiny bit, you'd see other comments (mine, explicitely) directing people who want updates to Discord. If you don't want to join the server, you could simply go to her Tumblr, which is on the links above, as @sadiemorgan indicated in their reply. Ahnna's latest Tumblr post was merely 10 days ago:

You don't have to play this game, but I would ask you to stop spreading misinformation. The game is very much still in progress, in fact, very near completion, and the developer (it's only one woman who does all the writing, art and programming, btw) talks to the players on Discord every day and answers any question asked to her. 

If you'd like to check the updates now or contact the author, please do so. Ahnna is a very polite and good-natured person and I'm sure she'd love to put your doubts to rest. If you want to ignore the game, that's your right, too, of course. However, I hope your 'blacklisting' doesn't imply badmouthing the developer or the game itself to the public. Now, that would be very unkind and certainly impolite. Please, refrain from doing so. 

Have a good day!