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Like the additional music options, and many of the new cards.  I think I like that face-cards are now on average good, but I'm not sure.  Don't much care for the new grungy aesthetic, but I'll put up with it.  Glitched is way easier now than in the April Fool's update, since it copies most of what cards do again.  Some of the nerfs (e.g. Death, Lovers) were a bit extreme, but that's okay.  Glitched cards copying Handy cards' Handiness would be nice, but would probably make the associated deck too good.  Advantage is starting to feel less tacked-on, which is good.  I still much prefer the pre-advantage version of the game, but this is much more complete, and if it makes adding more card ideas easier in terms of balance, I can see how that might be worth it. 

The change to Jack-in-the-box is very good. Being able to sink advantage into it to roll different suits as it goes in and out of the box feels thematically appropriate and isn't awful.  Being able to spend 1 advantage to get a 0 value is very good, but not broken.

The change to Mon Calamari is still SAD.  1000 chips was such a cool side objective and we used to die trying to set it up more than any other way in the game XD  100 chips with the direct damage making it easier to kill with and a self-damage penalty is certainly much more balanced, but it is not nearly as exciting.  It makes sense, though, since the new cards have been upping the power level and particularly the ability of the player to consistently hit precise targets to drag out games when desired.

Jumping jack is awesome and a ton of fun.

Report Card is a great way to make spades matter, although perhaps a bit overpowered in its own right-- consider that it is always better than cardiovascular exercise.

The King of All Cosmos is a neat idea, but glitched cards going into it seem to be a problem-- they don't activate its on-play effect if you've no jack, which is fair, but they also, at least in that case, instantly end the round for some reason that is unclear to me.

It's weird to me that Jackpot doesn't instant blackjack.  I get that the pun you are going for is that it is a pot of Jacks, but it's just a little weird to me, I guess.  Maybe it could do something to the effects of cards like the scratchcard or gravecard that have a random roll as well as giving three jacks?  Idk.

I like the Baseball Card, now, it was a good fix.

Is the 4 mana 7/7 still in the game?  I haven't seen it.

0s with suits are kinda weird to me.  I wonder what the suit part does.

Koi Koi / Hanafuda themed cards would be nice.