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pretty sure he's not straight, but Bi. I think I can remember a scene where he flirted back with me as a dude when I was flirting with him. also I'm nearly certain if you say you had "friends" during a certain event when he asks if anyone is waiting for us to come back he responds that he has had a couple as well.

and something kinda funny is I'm pretty sure Hyao hasn't made a single character that's purely straight from what I can remember lol. maybe some characters claimed they were straight but they all turned out Bi when we appeared to seduce the hell out of them lmao.


I hope you are right. The game seems to be going for Rose x Groth right now, but to be fair I love Rose so I wouldn't mind that outcome either.

well it might not be that way, they might just be interested in having fun instead of romance because Groth also gets flirted with by Viccoria if you save her and I think he flirts back. also she has a second potential partner in blackwolf since it seems like she had a thing for him from when she talks about him.