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1.5 /10 , im very sorry but this game wasnt it. Before having an encounter with Mickey i thought we found a pretty good game (despite the model of the corpse which looks like a beat up lasagna), after the encounter we saw the enemy and things went south pretty fast, he is not scary at all, barely moves a limb when moving, also the AI im sorry but its too strict because it forces you to keep running to the cabinet, it follows the same path every single time. The key-seeking mechanic is boring 

Also its crazy that if i die the game doesnt save my progress at all, that's why we quitted the game before even finishing it because it was just annoying that everything was so bugged out and made you lose every progress we made.

I really wish that this comment encourages you to make something better than this, i know you can do it!   :=]


perfectly fine if the game wasn’t to your liking, I will take your criticisms into consideration for my future projects, thank you for at least giving it a try 👍

Cant wait to see your improvements :^)