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I’m glad you liked it! Creepy, sweet, and silly was pretty much the vibe I was going for hehe

I will also be sure to tell my friend you liked her song and when she shares it somewhere I will link to it here :)

As for endings,


i’m sorry to disappoint but for the moment there’s only one (with a few moderate variations in dialogue at the end)! I had a few ideas for alternate endings, but I made the game in a couple weeks and I wanted to focus on making the whole thing playable before getting into the weeds. It’s possible I’ll come back and add more but I have not yet decided!


Thank you! I'd love to be updated with her song. I'd love to know how you spoiler it that way, it'd really help.

Nf sbe raqvatf, V qvq xabj gur ynfg 3 qvnybthr pubvprf naq gung'f nobhg vg [znqr jvgu ebg13]. Thought there might be secret endings. 

Also, this story somehow gave me exactly what I needed (but didn't even know). It had the perfect mix, honestly felt nice to just see it. This being your first game does surprise me, because it seemed pretty cool for a first game.


This is where I found out how to do spoiler text: