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i didn't get this on itch, i have it on gog, absolutely love it, clean and the ability to scroll back using the mouse wheel is a life saver when you missclick as much as i do (i have dysgraphia and dyspraxia, its a pain and i make do) but i wanna ask, since over time i do wanna support the devs, im just curious to know, if i subscribe to the patreon, do i get the dlc independently or from from the patreon itself?

(i ask cus between not being tech savvy at all and simply just not being familiar with how any of this works, im kinda a touch lost on what to do)

I'm glad you like it! The Patreon is for bonus content, it can't be used like a storefront that sells DLC keys for other sites like Itch, GOG, or Steam. Backing there gets you sneak peeks to our upcoming game and can give you extra Our Life: Beginnings & Always Moments that aren't available anywhere besides Patreon.

i thank you, i presume dlc has to be acquired separately like how i grabbed the voiced names dlc from here then? if so, i'll definitely subscribe to the patreon


Yeah, the bonus moments are separate builds from the main game. You don't add them to your main our life folder.