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I hope you don't mind me asking, I am planning to make a very short 2D point and click game with dialogues and visual depth using Unity for my diploma at my graphic design school, I know absolutely nothing about how Unity works yet but I'm going to try learning, I was wondering if you had sources on how to begin and learn!

Have a great day!

It's been 7 days since you posted this, but does it have to be Unity? Of course it can be done with Unity but at the same time it's overkill. if you really want Unity, you can check out the free asset called Fungus.

There are open source solutions dedicated to such genres that make the whole process much easier.
Like Ren'Py is really good if you want a visual novel experience.

Thank you very much for the reply! Also, apologies for the late answer, I looked at a bunch of tutorials and I tried learning about fungus and other free assets, i'm slowly but surely working things out! Thanks a bunch!