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Well, I played your demo and here's my thoughts. So far, you have crafted a fascinating story that grips the reader from the start, along with some great characters. I'm a huge fan in particular of Archie. He's just so wonderfully eccentric. (or possibly a robot? xD)

My only complaint was when, at the end, Perry decides to go home, you don't really get directions or a hint at which house is his. Otherwise, everything played well and really set up the story for more. I'm actually looking forward to the full game.


Regarding going to Perry's home I felt the same way. But then I remembered that the bartender mentioned it along with the location of the warehouse.  I suppose there could have been a reminder though.


Yeah, true. I don't remember that at all. My short term memory sucks sometimes. xD

That's definitely a good thing to bring up. I'll look into making it more apparent on how to get to Perry's house. 

Also thank you for the feedback on my game!