These tips and advice are observed and taken from previous jams.
1. Make a simple game
You might have heard of this tip a million times before, but I still have to state it here because it is so important and has been ignored by so many game jammers. While doing game jams, your main focus should not be to make a perfect, mechanic-rich game. Instead, it should be to make a playable game.
2. Upload a browser game
Although this is not a requirement, it is still highly recommended for you to do so. Nobody wants to spend 1 minute downloading a 20MB file made in 3 days, only to use it for 5 minutes.
3. Don't be to rigid while interpreting the theme
You may interpret the theme however you like! Jam themes are meant to be interpreted creatively. Don't be afraid to go wild on the theme!
4. Be active in the community
Want your games to be played by other jammers? Constantly post updates about your game on our discord server! Chat and help out others! Play and rate other people's games! By establishing your presence in the community, people will be curious about what game you submitted in the jam. Eventually, your submission will be played by others.