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A jam submission

Asparuh The CharmcasterView game page

Submitted by AllXUnder, 7onkata — 9 minutes, 57 seconds before the deadline
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Asparuh The Charmcaster's page

Are you participating in the Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced category?


Please explain why your team qualifies for the category you chose.
I have 3 years of game development experience, have finished 3 games fully and this is my 6th Game Jam.
My partner is a friend of mine and he started learning game development 6 monts ago and this is his 2nd Game Jam.

How does your game relate to the theme?
We focused on the magical side of the word "charm".
You play as a charmcaster that casts charms by naming them.

Specify any and all pre-made assets in your submission.
The cat music -
Sound Effects -


I would like feedback and will reach out to review it after the jam.

Where can we contact you?
Discord: deathstroke6639

Anything else you would like us to know?
We are just 2 friends who love game development and make games for pure fun and we did have a lot of fun with this game jam. I love programming and making music and he loves painting in pixel art and giving me crazy ideas and we make quite the team. We will look forward to participate in your next Game Jams.

By submitting, you and your team agree to all rules listed.

I/we agree

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Submitted (3 edits)

Hi. First of all, I'd like to say I'm honored to be the first to give you feedback. Second of all, here is my feedback. Well actually it's more of a thought process. IDK. 

1 - You should definitely try to make an online release, more people will play it.

2 - Nice music. You made it yourself? Nice. I couldn't listen to it for too long since it gave me heartburn though. (Retro beepy music is simply not my vibe)

3 - This happened to me, I'd just recommend testing on different screen sizes

Even though I couldn't read the story, the parts I saw were hilarious XD. 

4 - I lost all my hearts at once :(

5 - My final score was 3500. 

6 - The mechanic was interesting and unique. This is exactly what game jams are for and it made me happy. However as always new mechanics require extra tweeking. Some things I noticed were that I really couldn't do much once I ran out of energy, even if I had used all my spells efficiently. Having another power that gives you more energy would be nice.

This seems like a typing game, but you also have to move. Which in itself is good, but I felt like I didn't really want to move. And additionally, I was frustrated by having to push space to start and finish typing a spell. My personal rule in game developement is that the thing that makes the game hard has to be fun. I think combinations of other mechanics could have been tested to see which ended up being the most fun. The keyboard mechanic is interesting, but I don't enjoy typing the same thing over and over again.

7 - I liked the variety of bad guys and how the waves got harder, but since my abilities did not get better I was unable to defend :(

8 - Nice game.

9 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10 -

Huh it fixed itself. Whats up with that? Looks like the first time you open it it's weird.

11 - Brave little boy too young to drink (with a beard)

12 - AHA the lives are for the wizard. 

13 - New high score 6000.

14 - The particles on the blaze would be cooler if they were in world space. 

15 - New highscore 13600. 

16 - When you have lots of sprites that consistantly overlap, try to make the sorting layers different :) This is something that even a lot of popular games like Hollow Knights fail to do. 

17 - Well that's all I have to say. It's a good game and pretty well polished.

EDIT - 18 - New highscore 18100 and no new enemies are spawning. 

Interesting game.

Also is it on purpose that the fireball only spends the energy when you use it? Since you can queue a fireball and use the cats and then throw the fireball and still be at 0 xp