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xiombarg published a sci-fi murder case 57 days ago
A downloadable sci-fi murder case.
GONE TO PIECES The generation ship Shiva plays a unique role in the Parvati fleet: It has an unusual number of first-generation colonists in suspended animation, to be awoken in an emergency or when the fleet arrives at its destination. Fiv...
Tariqkhawaja published a game 58 days ago
A downloadable game.
There's no industry more cut throat than the TV Food industry. This has never been more evident than on the set of Soup-er Stars Famous TV Chef and cantankerous personality Pierre Póttàge was found dead during the the filming of the seaso...
A downloadable game.
A case for Suspect 2e . It’s the scandal of the century - a murder at the masquerade ball! The honourable Lord Dire has been murdered on the dance floor, amongst a crowd of masked partygoers. Those found in close proximity at the time of...
PEANUTS9144 published a game 58 days ago
A downloadable game.
A case for Suspect 2e . Stranded on a remote tropical island following a harrowing plane crash, a group of survivors have formed a community to endure. Originally attributing the crash to mechanical failure, a new piece of evidence suggests...
A downloadable game.
A case for Suspect 2e . Miss Danellough's hired pineapple. Destined to be the magnificent centrepiece of the Crescent Society's dinner parties for months to come. Cruelly consumed in its prime at last night's event and forcing her into exor...