Play game
shooting stars's pageHow many characters of code did you use?
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pal({140,1,129,128,132,131,4,15},1) ::_::y,x,q,c=0,64,{},0::z::cls()for l=-1,24do?c,1,1 j=l+2if y%32==0then f=rnd(4)q[j]=f\2for i=y,y+56do sset(i,l,(i/8+f*i/l%2)%10)mset(l,i,mid(1,5*(cos(l/15)+cos(i/56)%f%.8),6))end end h,e=l/4,64s=4-h+l if(l>-1)e,h=s+22-l,l/1.5palt(l,true) for i=e,s,-1do m=(y-64/i)%64i+=48-h*4tline(0,i,127,i,x/64,m)end k=(200-y*10)%108?"★",j*8*q[j],k,10 end b=btn()a=b&3x+=2*(a\2-a%2)x%=128g=x\8if q[g]==1then if b>15and k>32then?"\a" c+=1rect(3+x,k,4+x,99)q[g]=-1elseif k\1==97then goto _ end end?"웃",x,99,8 palt()y-=1/8y%=64flip()goto z
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Since the deadline was extended, I managed to add score, scrolling and sound!
Move with left-right and shoot with z or x, shoot the stars for score/avoid them or you'll die . Based on a simplified version of the axelay barrel scroll.