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Twice-weekly entry roundups!

A topic by Speak the Sky created Aug 20, 2020 Views: 504 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5
HostSubmitted (1 edit) (+2)

You can find these on twitter as well (that's where I started doing them, but I'm gonna post them here for posterity too, since twitter is... ephemeral).


Queen Merea's Retreat, by kiryas

Theme: Ward

The hunters explore a fairytale castle of well-manicured hedges and trees, a place of sinister, overbearing, misdirected protection...

Three things I liked:

  1. "Neema, a rosewood mannikin chained to a throne"
  2. "A prayer inscribed above a window has been eaten by wood-worms."
  3.  "Temptation: The smell of the forest beyond the hedge."


Setting a Second Sun by mags

Theme: Light

A second sun has risen and will not set, so you must travel the bleached and blistering desert in search of the dog woman who can scare it away.

Three things I liked:

  1. "Ahead of you, a woman stares at the sky while wrapped in a cerulean cloak. ... As the wind dies, you find the clock was empty, merely shaped by the air."
  2. The inversion in Rings 1 and 5
  3.  "In the welcome shadows, you are met by the tearing of teeth."


Lemongrass by Monkey's Paw Games

Theme: Grass

A search over blood-hungry hill and vale for land deeds left behind in the aftermath of a war between locals and bosses that everybody lost... though, the grass, the grass won.

Three things I liked:

  1. "You begin to grow, when others aren't looking."
  2. "... ragged flesh the color of a full moon, feasted upon by fat yellow maggots. The prospector’s empty eyes stare up into the empty sky."
  3. "Heart Dropsy: kill the will to carry on"

The Lantern of Revelation by Glowing Roots Press

Theme: Light

Deep in an unearthly forest, a group of aspirants pursue apotheosis in a ritual of psychic illumination and shedding of earthly forms and delights.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Cursed Ancient—skilled in Eternity"
  2. "Jagged rocks pile high, slick with the inky blood of creatures which tried, and failed, to crawl their way out of the sea."
  3. "The transcendent harmony of sunbeams, played as glowing harp strings by invisible hands"


Lovely Fields of Green by SeethingLloron

Theme: Grass

...Acres of farmland and pay in gold to enter the deep grasslands and kill the herds and flocks that act with collective intellect to destroy the farmers' livelihoods and lives.

Three things I liked:

  1. "If it doesn't grow from the ground here, you cannot eat it"
  2. "The hills here literally roll, undulating under your feet."
  3. "How does this place make you realize that you are but a blip to mother nature?"


Cordially Invited by signalstation

Theme: Detective

A hard-boiled search for the socialite daughter of a wealthy man, who's fallen in with a hedonistic crowd with their own bizarre tastes.

Three things I liked:

  1. "A hawk-faced brute checks tickets with a blacklight. You do not have tickets."
  2. "A binder: bios of all of you, save one. Details none could know but them."
  3. "One of you must enter T H E  E G G."


Manse by perpetualgloom

Theme: Possession

An old abandoned manor house, replete with plenty of historic deaths. Nobody has a claim to it, which means everyone has a claim to the treasures within. Just be careful for what stakes a claim on you...

Three things I liked:

  1. "For a moment you trade places. You're part of the painting, watching someone else pilot your body. Just for a moment."
  2. "You refer to the manse as "my house.""
  3. "Why did you allow yourselves to be split up like this?"
HostSubmitted (1 edit)

Roommates Wanted by darkliquid

Theme: Tenant

A brutal, surreal anticapitalist incursion of white-collar professionals, cut-throat provision of basic necessities, and lots and lots of rats.

Three things I liked:

  1. "I have no time for anyone whose backgrounds includes ever having been: Goths (occult),"
  2. "The landlord napping in the conservatory, rats crawling all over him."
  3. "A rat splitting open, miniature humans spilling out of its guts."


Trophy Keno by shwac

Theme: Forecast

A GMful variant on Trophy using lyrical fragments and abstract prompts—simultaneously bizarre fantasy and introspective journey.

Three things I liked:

  1. "a FIELD—an ancient, keyless LUMEN-TILLER—we call this our TEMPTATION"
  2. "RAIN—a flying mistake made 100 years ago—we call this TERROR"
  3. "NOTHING ELSE—nothing else—we call this TERROR / nothing else—a need to make certain this is so—we call this our TEMPTATION"


Brutal Grove by seanfsmith

Theme: Architecture

A journey through an increasingly artificially twisted and unnatural forest that likewise twists the hunters in artificial, homoncular ways.

Three things I liked:

  1. "here there's no soil, only roots."
  2. "a vast copy of a desired item"
  3. "a little owl with long fingerthin legs"


A Sacrifice in Vein by TinyVolcanoClub

Theme: Volcano

A collapsing empire—faded, sulfurous gem of a capitol city—gold and jade and more besides—all in the shadow of a mighty volcano that sleeps. For now.

Three things I liked:

  1. "Disgraced Apothecary: poisons"
  2. "Bursts of multicolored smoke that jet from multiple obsidian dog statues outside the temple entrance."
  3. "The purpose of this adornment becomes clear when they are cast down into the lava."


NO FEAR by yours truly, Speak the Sky

Theme: Ladder

A body-hunting expedition up the tallest mountain on earth, in search of a wealthy mountaineer who vanished there in the past. If the mountain doesn't take you... what lives atop will.

Three things I liked (writing):

  1. "Drive: Punish myself / Drive: Spit in the face of god"
  2. "What suggests that the bodies didn't haphazardly fall, but were insightfully arranged?"
  3. "It's been a long, long time since you've been able to truly rest in your life. Why?"

So the schedule for this got a little weird as entries slowed down in the middle, but here's the next couple of roundups combined:

The Hollow Grove by ostrichmonkey

Theme: Loop

Hunters seek an astronomically valuable treasure at the centre of an ancient circular grove circled by ancient trees, that centre of valuable treasure under the stars that the hunters seek.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Ascendent Demiurge (skilled in subsuming)"
  2. "The trunks of the ancient god-trees are austere and otherworldly ... imprinted with patterns of whorls and spirals."
  3. "You hold the Hollow Grove in the palm of your hand, staring down at yourself staring up ..."


Into Death by mogibear

Theme: Desire

Hunters driven by world-bending desire trace the disembodied and defiant river of death under weak and cold celestial spheres. At the end lies...

3 things I liked:

  1. "Mercy: Sing to the Moon and beg for Mercy."
  2. "... you find a Treasure in someone else's Pack ... Was it even yours Originally? It's yours Now."
  3. "At a Quiet Moment, the Hunters realise there are Too Many hunters in the group."


Go Gentle by avunvain

Theme: Dignity

The town of Lockwood is dying, but never dies. Almost all the people have gone away to the sanatorium, hoping to die with dignity, together, in peace. The hunters have come to disturb that peace.

3 things I liked:

  1. "A gap opens in your chest. No one can be allowed to see it, you least of all."
  2. "A deep well, surrounded by neatly folded clothing and discarded shoes."
  3. "... lumpen masses of human bodies, flowing like wax into one another ... begging for a proper burial."


LIKE MOTHS by seamsly

Theme: Light

A meteorite blasted a crater deep in the forest. At the centre lies celestial wealth and power beyond mundane imagining—for those who can find their way through the darkness.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Timekeeper (skilled in chronology, lore, planning)"
  2. "The canopy grows so dense that the barest hints of daylight that manage to peak through give off the illusion of stars in a black sky."
  3. "The angels shed pieces of their bodies."


The Star-Crossed Sonata by TQLoudly

Theme: Unfortunate

A song in the forest that brings misfortune to all who hear it—a rare jewel for an aristocratic art appreciator. The hunters, on the other hand, are the unfortunate ones contracted to find it.

3 things I liked:

  1. "The birds chirp in time to your least favourite song"
  2. "As [the hunters] step in through, they notice a hill move."
  3. "You are sure that if you leave, now, without the song, your journey home would be safe."


Extrasolar by maxver

Theme: LIGHT! [sic]

A research team is sent to Mercury to investigate alien structures under the merciless, titanic, ever-present sun—the sun that invades their dreams and claims their souls.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Ritual: Gaze: look right into the sun"
  2. "Your spacesuit doesn't fit you very well. Like it's not yours."
  3. "You are convinced that you have wings now. Is it true?"


Plus a previously-published trifold pamphlet of a solo version of Trophy Dark, Trophy Solo by Parts Per Million!

HostSubmitted (3 edits)


NoximalⓇ (archaenox di-peranmortil) by glitterbandemissary

Theme: Medicine

A modern horror incursion that sends ordinary people into sinister and increasingly nightmarish corporate medical trial with echoes of Alexander Bubnov's 1993 animation, Clinic.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Background: Amateur Fisher (entrails)"
  2. "Winding labyrinthian corridors ... indecipherable colored lines painted on the floor branching endlessly"
  3. "the furnace of a giant, apparently ancient, machine scraping through and rearranging the gore."


Over the River by TyphosGames

CW: fairytale danger or harm to children, alcoholism, cannibalism

Another modern horror story—this time a 2-player mini-zine incursion about a brother and sister on an unwanted trip to their grandparents.

3 things I liked:

  1. The IC madlib character sheets
  2. "month-old Halloween candy ... The chocolate has melted into a mushy puddle, and the fruity candies are old enough to be unchewable."
  3. "grandma is making your favourite dessert and asks you both to help her in the kitchen."


Palace City of the Eternal King by quizlock

Theme: City

CW: body horror, brainwashing

Seems like an easy job—looting a city deep in the forest with few guards, where everyone's pre-occupied with worshipping the Eternal King. If only it were that simple.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Condition: You constantly ramble on about "your job""
  2. "Priests walk through the crowds, extorting the pittance the citizens carry."
  3. "Piles of mouldering food swarming with flies cascade from table to floor. Rancid wine drips from broken carafes."


On the Road by glitterbandemissary

Theme: Road

A set of d6 tables for creating single-set Trophy Gold incursions for road travellers in a world of dark fantasy, including goals, rituals, treasure, and a d66 table of eerie props for this liminal space.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Treasure: A compass that always points to the place it was discovered."
  2. "Prop: An abandoned crown of flowers, trampled by travellers."
  3. "Prop: An unmarked crossroad apparently ending just a dozen or so feet on either side of the main road."


The Devil of High Rock by yours truly, Speak the Sky

Theme: Tale.

The hunters have returned from killing the Devil of High Rock and are celebrating with the villagers who hired them to do the deed, telling tales of their exploits—but things don't quite add up...

3 things I liked:

  1. "Condition: You see everyone else as goblins, demons, and other fabled monsters wearing human masks."
  2. "What about your fellow hunters made you so confident you'd kill the Devil of High Rock?"
  3. ngl I really liked writing the parallel prose in Rings 2 and 4


Home Again, by avunvain

Theme: Engine

In the early days of armistice, the surviving crew of a gargantuan tank discover that the home-front isn't free from the violence of war, and the battle-front isn't just a place of death and devastation...

3 things I liked:

  1. "You have false but deeply compelling memories of spending your childhood on the Cataphract."
  2. "How does the person to your left move you with their eulogy?"
  3. "superheated engines melt snow at fifty paces, make the flowers bloom before they turn to ash."


Nemorensis' Gate by eskur

Theme: Gate

Souls of the freshly-dead seek passage to the underworld, but it comes at an agonising price, and the journey is far from clear.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Fog thick as aged gruel rolls over the narrowing path"
  2. "Ripples reflect out-of-season constellations."
  3. "An old friend appears, speaking in metaphors. It feels normal."

(also the specific Conditions for each Ring, the soundtrack, and the GM advice.)


The Hanging Village by Lonelyanodos

Theme: Throat

A Trophy Gold incursion with a handful of sets: a bandit hunt threatens to break the stalemate between a cave village of bat-people and the abominations crawling up from the pit below their home.

3 things I liked:

  1. "Bill "Glass-Eye" Reckon ... quotes obscure poetry."
  2. "Building locations and causeways can be manipulated, as with theatrical rigging."
  3. "The Last Bastion: Gigantic hanging fortress ... it can be swung like a giant wrecking ball"

(plus the art!)


Stele of the Jaguar by Calvin J'onzz

Theme: Tooth

There's a stele in the deep rainforest. All the answers the hunters need are written in the stone. They just need to avoid hungry wildlife, rival scouts, and the spirit of the jaguar herself...

3 things I liked:

  1. "You feel compelled to run fingers over edges."
  2. "All flesh points to the Jaguar."
  3. "Jutting from the edge of the cliff are several tall, pointed stones, taller than the trees. The river spills between them like the salivating overflow of a giant maw."

(also the very incursion-specific character background question that also sets your skills)