Pretty fun game. I never got very good at controlling the multiple characters at once, especially since switching control to one of the dolls to use their spells felt pretty unreliable, but I can see it being really cool if you're used to controls like this. It's impressive that you got a decent-looking 3d game with 3 simultaneous playables at all.
The patterns were pretty interesting, with each boss having one pretty cool standout pattern. I loved Reimu's bouncyball spell, for how it takes advantage of the 3dness, but also gosh it did a lot of damage. In general, it's super easy to get hit by like 10 things in a row and lose half your health over the course of less than 2 seconds. I guess that's not objectively bad, just a little frustrating. The same can be said about how much of a challenge it can be to actually hit the boss-- sometimes it's fun to be forced to take risks, and sometimes a pattern takes way longer than it feels like it's supposed to.
Also, thanks for being mean to me for playing easymode. Got me to toughen up and finally learn how to actually use the controls enough to beat Normal.
In short, it's like a MOBA, but without the things I dislike about MOBAs-- cool birds-eye-view 3d look, nice n unique patterns, and a pretty interesting control scheme that forces you to use it to the fullest.
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